Not only a tool

Become stress-free entrepreneur today!

Manage your small business from one place, get help fast and increase your profit.

Maintain and grow

Small business Command Center

SOS help
Solve your problems as they come. We have dedicated team finding information, doing tasks and solving your problems.
SOS help
Entrepreneurs' Command Center
Stay organized and centralized with your business management. Send invoices, manage tasks and integrate your communications.
Entrepreneurs' Command Center
Maintain and grow

Small business Command Center

Our trailblazer leadership team has unique skill to make every entrepreneurship sustainable, long-term and successful.
Katariina Komulainen
We need to revolutionize entrepreneurs capabilities and capacity.
Katariina Komulainen
Co-founder II EMEA
tel. +358 40 709 2380
Ahmed Abo Al Saud
Entrepreneurs are the backbone of our national economies.
Ahmed Abo Al Saud
Co-founder II MENA
WA +966 59 914 6637

Unleash Your Investment Potential

Are you VC, Angel or investor? We invite you to submit request for our data room.

Pitch Deck

Explore our business idea, market and traction!


We are transparent with our financials.

Marketing Strategy

Check how your investment will grow.

Team Introductions

Meet our unique trailblazers.

Got questions?

Explore our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about our app and how it can help you manage your business.

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Don't worry, in our quick call, you will understand if our service is for you.
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